Empowering Projects with AI

The Assistant

Click the button Write, and let Project Copilot craft your requirements effortlessly!

  • Create Epics, User Stories, and Sub-Tasks seamlessly.
  • Include technical references in user stories to facilitate smoother implementation for developers.
  • Analyze pull request descriptions against user stories and subtasks to ensure alignment with requirements.
  • Document everything thoroughly to guarantee a successful development process.
Install The Assistant

The Team Member

Chat with the Team Member, attach documents, and seamlessly request tasks.

  • Create a complete backlog from call transcriptions and design documents, reducing manual effort and ensuring accuracy.
  • Generate detailed project status updates, providing insights into the project's progress and identifying bottlenecks.
  • Plan and create the next sprint based on current project status and team capacity, optimizing resource utilization.
  • Automatically update project plans and documentation as new information becomes available.
  • Automate routine administrative tasks, allowing team members to focus on higher-value activities.
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How to use AI in your Software Development Project