Project Copilot Now Live on Atlassian Marketplace!

Hello Copilot Users,

Today we are thrilled to announce a big milestone — Project Copilot is officially available on the Atlassian Marketplace! Your favorite AI assistant that helps to write user stories and design documents on Atlassian Jira and Confluence has finally taken its first major step into the world.

This is our first beta release and while we acknowledge that there are some limitations, we’re continuously working hard to iron out all the kinks. We promise, there are major weekly updates in store, which is part of our commitment to making Project Copilot even better and more efficient for you.

To help you navigate through our product and understand its capabilities, we’ve also created a detailed YouTube tutorial on Project Copilot’s initial beta features. This tutorial will make it easier for you to understand how you can leverage our tool to simplify your workflow.

One thing we wish to address clearly and boldly is that at Project Copilot, we take your data privacy and security very seriously. We have meticulously designed our application to safeguard all your project information. And to underline this commitment, we are in the process of applying for the Atlassian Marketplace secure program.

While the application process is underway, we want to reassure you and provide all necessary information regarding data security. We’ve released a video to explain our rigorous approach in handling and protecting your project information.

Here’s the Twitter thread where we’ve broken down all these points clearly and transparently:

We value your trust in us and eagerly look forward to hearing your feedback. Your thoughts, comments, and inputs will help us steer Project Copilot in the direction that brings maximum value to you, our users.

So go ahead! Give Project Copilot a try and tell us what you think. Here’s the link to download our application from the Atlassian Marketplace: Project Copilot on Atlassian Marketplace

Happy project managing with Project Copilot!

Best, The Project Copilot Team